Thursday, January 30, 2014

News and Notes 1/31

News and Notes
From Fourth Grade
Story Structures
As we concluded our work on narratives and text structure this week, the fourth graders worked on creating their own story “structures.” After identifying and finding details to describe the characters, setting, plot (conflict and resolution), and author's message of our individualized daily reading books, we decided to turn this information into a creative project. Since the topic was story “structures”, we created a book project that looks like a little house. Each of the walls shows information about one piece of the structure of the narrative. By the end of the week we were putting together the finishing touches on our “story town.” What fun it is to be able to share a deep understanding of our reading in this creative way! Needless to say, our fourth grade readers were excited and proud to share their reading adventures with each other!

We all have things we'd rather not do. Maybe it's the laundry, or the dishes, or cleaning the garage. Well, in fourth grade recently we've run into a bit of a problem... our class seems to be infected with some “math-itis.” What's more, it seems to be spreading. In an attempt to cut to the core of our problem, we planned a full day of fun, hands-on, interactive, and cooperative math learning. Included in our MATHDAY Monday were things like time-travel math, building patterns, math superheroes, math games with cards and dice, and even a few very corny math jokes. The day began with a fair amount of grumbling and complaining, but by the end of the day the fourth graders were asking when the next MATHDAY Monday was scheduled. The truth of the matter is that math is indeed a very challenging discipline. What we tried to remember this week was that math is also interesting, diverse, creative, thought-provoking, and extremely important to all aspects of daily life. Now if we could only find some way to make our most disliked chores more appealing...

Rube Goldberg

To conclude our study of physical science and simple machines, we met a new “great mind” this week: Rube Goldberg. We discovered that this scientists/cartoonist/inventor was a very creative thinker. The big idea behind a Rube Goldberg machine is to find the most complicated way to solve a simple problem. We watched videos of different groups (including past Simonds' students) creating their own Rube Goldberg machines. What fun it was to see a new application of the science that we've been exploring! 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Assembly Lines

In connection with our recent study of physical science and simple machines, the fourth graders have lately been exploring the world of engineering.  We have focused in on the realm of industrial engineering.  This week we took our skills of problem-solving, designing, science, and cooperation to design and produce paper pencil holders.  Working in small groups, the fourth graders walked through the steps of the design process and then worked in assembly lines to create their finished products.  We discussed topics like quality control and cost of materials.  The fourth graders did an amazing job of working hard and staying invested and the end result were some awesome finished products and some extraordinary science learning.  Check out the fourth grade assembly lines in action!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


In response to a recent decline in the enthusiasm for mathematics, the fourth graders participated in the first-ever MATHDAY Monday.  This Monday we based all of our learning time around the subject of mathematics.  We read math adventure books, we wrote about math, and we participated in a bunch of fun, hands-on math activities.  By the end of the day the grumbling and complaining that has recently crept in around mathematics had disappeared.  Instead, the fourth graders were asking when we could do another MATHDAY.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Reading Together

This year the fourth grade class is particularly fond of reading. Here are a couple of photos of a recent shared reading time...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

News and Notes 1/24

News and Notes
From Fourth Grade
Author's Message
This week the fourth graders continued their look at story structure. We explored the concept of “author's message.” We tried to answer the question, Why did the author write this book? Some stories we've read had clear messages, almost like the “moral” of the story. Other books were more complicated and it seemed like the author may have had more than one message they wanted to share with their readers. In following with our work on character, setting, and plot, the author's message is a good last piece of the narrative story structure puzzle. We look forward to putting these pieces all together next week as we create our own “story structures” based on our independent reading.
Assembly Lines
The assignment was simple: design a product and create a plan to produce it in an assembly line. The fourth graders were extremely enthusiastic when they were presented with their industrial engineering challenge. Working in small groups, the fourth graders put together their knowledge of simple machines, industrial engineering, and basic design to create a product. Through the planning process, the fourth graders sharpened their cooperative learning skills and had to demonstrate flexibility and even practice compromising and modifying plans for the sake of the whole group. In the end, the fourth graders designed amazing products and their assembly plans were creative and effective. By the end of the week our classroom had been transformed into a factory where teams were working together to manufacture and assemble their own products. What fun to see science, math, engineering, and creativity all come together!
As the second quarter comes to a close, the fourth graders are moving into the last half of their school year. We took some time these past few weeks to discuss our goals and hopes for the coming months. One subject that continues to come up is that of respect. How can we show respect more in our classroom? How can we help others be more aware of respect? What do we do when someone is disrespectful? All of these questions have arisen in fourth grade recently. In response to these ideas, we've created a way to chart our progress in the area of respect. In the back of our classroom lives our “respectometer.” This tool is here to help us keep track of our choices, and to help us be more aware of the need to show respect. As we move into the second half of the fourth grade year, we expect to continue to see all kinds of great choices and respect being demonstrated in our classroom community!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Prove It!

The fourth grade mathematicians were challenged today to PROVE IT!  When we use the "old fashioned multiplication algorithm" we just accept that it works.  Well, today the fourth grade mathematicians used the "partial products" method to prove why the algorithm worked...

News and Notes 1/17

News and Notes
From Fourth Grade
In our continuing study of narratives and the structure of a story, this week the fourth graders explored the concept of conflict. We read short stories, picture books, and chapter books. As we read we tried to identify the conflict that was happening in the story. In order for the plot of a story to flow, there has to be some kind of conflict. We discovered that there are different types of conflict and that the conflict can be big or small. We even realized that the conflict in a story can take place within a character. Digging more deeply into the structure of narratives will help us understand the story more fully, and will also give us insights into the ways which a writer creates a good story.
As an extension of our study of simple machines and physical science, this week the fourth graders learned a bit about engineering. We explored different types of engineering and discovered that engineers can do many different things, from designing robots to solving problems like pollution. The fourth graders were enthusiastic as they discovered the many different forms that engineering can take. As we learned more about engineering the fourth graders were asked a question: “What subjects would someone need to understand in order to be an engineer?” The answers were very clear: an engineer needs to know math and science. Beyond this we also talked about the need for an engineer to be a creative, or even artistic, thinker and problem-solver. As we move into our own industrial engineering challenge at the end of this week and into next week, it will be interesting to see how these fourth grade engineers apply their skills of math, science, creativity, and problem-solving!
Comical Learning

Over and over again research has found that students learn better when they are engaged and having fun. Experience says that the battle of wills that comes when students are unmotivated generally leads to diminished learning. This week, in an attempt to re-engage the fourth grade learners, we started a new classroom routine we are calling “Comical Learning.” Posted in our classroom will be a wall of comic strips that we create. These comics will allow us to use our creativity to demonstrate our learning. From “Zero the Superhero” to “Math Mind Tricks”, the comics are meant to give us a fun way to show what we know. The fourth graders seemed excited about this new opportunity, which means that our comical learning may in fact lead to deep, enduring understanding of fourth grade content. Fun and learning together – it doesn't get much better than that!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

News and Notes 1/10

News and Notes
From Fourth Grade
Showing Off
We've nearly reached the end of the second quarter! Unbelievably, this means we are about halfway through our fourth grade adventures. As a way of documenting the growth and learning from the past few months, this week we spent some time completing various mid-year assessments. The fourth graders needed a bit of encouragement, but as soon as they entered the right “zone,” they were able to show off their amazing learning from the first half of the school year. What an exciting thing it is to be able to reflect on the progress we've made! Even more than being able to recognize the progress as a teacher, it is exciting to see the fourth graders identifying the ways in which they are growing and progressing as learners. Over the next few weeks we will continue to give the students opportunities to show off their great learning in math, reading, and writing. It seems very likely that these fourth grade learners will continue to shine!
As is our tradition, this week the fourth and fifth graders at Simonds School participated in the annual Geography Bee. Based on the first round of geography testing that all the students took before the vacation, we had a collection of 10 fourth and fifth graders who participated in the Geography Bee in front of their peers and teachers. Ms. Fonte, a friend of Simonds School and former teacher, returned to host the Bee. The fourth and fifth grade participants did a tremendous job of making informed decisions and showing of their geography smarts. From naming the continents based on geographic clues to identifying historical landmarks in different states, these students showed their knowledge of the world! The audience did a great job of respectfully watching as the competition unfolded. It was a great time of fun and learning, as well as a reminder of the amazingly large and diverse world that we call home!
The first assignment of the year 2014 was for the fourth graders to think about what this new year will mean for them. They were asked to record their hopes, dreams, and expectations for the coming year. From personal goals to exciting adventures, the fourth graders were full of expectations for the year 2014. Hopefully some of these great accomplishments and experiences will occur during our time together in fourth grade. It is such a treat to be able to share in the growth of these fourth graders and I look forward to sharing the year 2014 with them!