Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School

The first day is here!  The fourth graders and their families joined with the rest of the Simonds School families for the annual First Day Pancake Breakfast.  What a great way to reconnect with our friends after a long summer away!

The first day went very smoothly for the new group of fourth graders.  They learned a bunch of different classroom routines and were very attentive while instructions were being given.  We took some time to create our fourth grade journey "maps."  These creative documents show what we expect fourth grade to be like- they turned out so great! We will be displaying them in the hallway for a bit!

The afternoon went by quickly with a whole school fire drill and walk around the school grounds.  There have been some significant changes over the summer, and the students were all excited to see the updates made to their school!

We ended the day with a look at classroom jobs and homework routines.  The students and families both have homework this week.  The students are to decorate and personalize their school to home folders.  The families are to complete all the registration paperwork enclosed in the folders.  Thanks in advance for your help with all this tedious but necessary paperwork!  

If the rest of the year goes as smoothly as the first day of school, it seems like this is going to be an excellent year in fourth grade!

Here are a few pictures of the fourth graders completing the "human knot" challenge...

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