Thursday, April 9, 2015

News and Notes 4/10

News and Notes
From Fourth Grade

Learning, Naturally
We had an extraordinary, noteworthy moment of learning in fourth grade this week.  However optimistically (or op-too-much-istically) I can tend to look at the learning of fourth graders, the reality is that there is almost always a friend or two in class who isn't totally engaged in their learning.  Whether it's because they are tired or sick or grumpy or hungry or confused or bored, the truth is that sometimes we just aren't ready for learning.  This week however I paused in the middle of a writing lesson and surveyed the whole classroom.  Every student was engaged in their learning.  They were excitedly talking about their learning and reading and taking notes.  They all seemed to be driven by an innate desire to know.  This remarkable moment of learning took place as the students worked on their first ever "formal" research projects.  It is so exciting to see moments of pure eagerness to know and discover in students.  When the time comes to end the lesson and move on, it is always a good sign of engagement when there is a grumbling about having to stop! 
Shocking Truth
As we continued our study of energy this week, the fourth grade scientists got to experience energy up-close.  They were given a pile of supplies and asked to make a bulb light up.  Using only their prior knowledge of electricity and circuits, the fourth graders worked in small groups to achieve their goal.  How exciting to see those literal "light bulb" moments around the classroom!  As we continue to learn more about different forms of energy and how they work, these fourth grade scientists are bringing a great deal of curiosity and prior knowledge to each conversation.  There are so many things to discover and many questions that we have yet to explore together!
Testing Season
This week marked the beginning of our season of spring testing.  The fourth graders participated in the first year of SBAC ("Smarter Balanced") testing in English/Language Arts this week.  The most notable difference between this standardized test and those the students have worked on in the past is that this test is completed online.  The fourth graders did a really great job of working hard and showing off their smarts.  It was exciting to see them almost eager to show what they know in this new format.  We also were able to participate in a different type of assessment called a "Performance Task."  This type of assessment involves a group lesson and reflects more of the type of learning and assessing we do throughout the school year.  Next week the fourth graders will jump into the Math SBAC test, and it seems likely that they will continue to shine through this on-going testing season!
Making Connections

This week the fourth grade mathematicians began work with fractions.  Although it seemed strange at first, the beginning of this unit of study didn't start with fractions, but rather focused on factors and multiples.  We discussed prime and composite numbers and discovered factors for numbers up to 100.  As we eventually came to the actual work with fractions, we discovered that making connections between factors and multiples will help us greatly with comparing, ordering, and finding equivalent fractions.  We often talk about math learning as a building, and we've discovered that multiplication/division concepts are actually foundational for a good understanding of fractions.  

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